Mr. Tanmay Kanade, Sr. Application Engineer Oct 14th, 2024

Ever wondered if as a 3DEXPERIENCE User you could be able to do out some automated tasks as if magical potions work on the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform?

Yes, that’s surely possible if you are using the Potion Lab App.

Potion Lab is a one-stop powerful app in the 3DSwymer role on the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform which could enable the users to initiate automated activities ranging from Creating a Mail notification to even allowing to update certain data context in the Change Execution application.

While using the Potion Lab, we can activate 3 potions at one point of time, but numerous potions can be created and kept in the deactivated state. Creation and use of the correct potions can be useful for elimination of manual tasks which may help in saving time and activities at the user end.

This cloud-based application does work based on preset rules based upon setting triggering actions which if they occur then would result into pre-defined actions via the selection of criterias for specific applications. The behavior of trend in a respective application needs to be outlined w.r.t the required actions which may be in condition to the level of desired results from the corresponding applications.

As an actual potion would be created by the mixing of certain ingredients, in the similar way here the ingredients would be specific criterias set forth while creating a potion. The overall process that goes on in it is quite simple enough with two main areas i.e. “When this happens” – “Then Do That”.

Under the “When this happens” criteria we need to add ingredient that would be the event which may take place.

Under this, particularly we can add up the respective ingredient which may be dealing around in it.

The overall required process could be understood considering the below scenario which has been explained in the respective workflow wherein we are using the following apps with the mentioned significance as below:

Taking up the above example for understanding how it works around, we will be working to create a Potion which would drive the respective resultant actions: –

  • First, launch the app ‘Potions Lab’ from the 3DSwymer role in the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform.
  • Then in the app widget – select the New Potion option.
  • Then we will be into the Potion Definition app screen where we would have to add the details relating to the respective app selection for acting as the trigger element apps and resultant app and its details.
  • Next, the step would be to define the details for the Trigger Element i.e. “When This Happens” and its respective Event details like here considering the Document management App the criteria like Document Title details and Who all would be the initiators etc.
  • After this the specific resultant actions and its associated App Ingredients are selected, and the respective details should be provided. For our scenario we will be adding the details for the Bookmark Editor App and 3DNotification App.

    In the Bookmark Editor ingredient, the modified document will be added to the specific bookmark and its respective details will be added like the Bookmark name, Credentials and Content selection.

  • Via the 3DNotification App a mail notification detail will be added like the Mail recipients, subject, body etc. respectively.

    Once done Save the Details and activate the Potion to be utilized in actual practice.

  • Once we are executing the respective triggering event the Potion Lab will work out in background to execute the preset resultant action in our created Potion.

To validate if the respective Potion has been successfully worked out, the Potion Execution tab helps to track it, thus allowing to understand the detailed log regarding the activities which the respective Potion would have executed.

Based on our scenario in consideration, as soon as the user would update the Maturity stage of a respective document, the document would be added to the respective Bookmark, which was selected, and a Mail would be notified to the respective initiator of the action i.e. who has updated the document maturity stage and even others selected while defining the 3DNotification ingredient. This is how the automated resultant actions would be executed with the preset details entered in Potion Lab.

Potion Lab can delve out magically the results which you would generally expect when certain actions are performed by individuals on a daily-day basis in any collaborative operations on the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform. Potion Lab could help us ideally to replace the manual processes which generally would be carried out by individuals in an organization and allow for automating tasks which may be inter-linked between different applications on the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform.

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AUTHOR: Mr. Tanmay Kanade, Sr. Application Engineer

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