Data management Helps Design Teams Hit Development Targets

Webinar Info

Working in an unmanaged data environment, your design teams are most likely wasting a lot of time and effort constantly searching for files, reworking files they can’t find and collaborating with stakeholders in ways that put valuable IP at risk.

SOLIDWORKS PDM is constantly providing solutions to increase the efficiency, productivity, and data management to stay on the top of innovation. Come join us to discover the capabilities of SOLIDWORKS PDM.

This webinar will be focusing on:

  • Manage CAD data complexity, such as lost files, conflicting versions, overwriting files, etc.
  • Reduce the number of broken 3D CAD assemblies due to unmanaged file operations
  • Avoid missed product targets (new product due dates and design budgets)
  • Automate tedious processes and workflows.

Learn how your design teams can reduce rework and time spent searching for files so they can focus on designing great new products.


  • Title
  • Data management Helps Design Teams Hit Development Targets
  • Date
  • Thursday August 26, 2021
  • Time
  • 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM IST
  • Duration
  • 1 hr


  • Mr. Shishir Sr. Application Engineer

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