Paperless Drawings with SOLIDWORKS

Webinar Info

SOLIDWORKS® MBD (Model Based Definition) is an integrated drawing less manufacturing solution for SOLIDWORKS 3D Design software. You can communicate product and manufacturing information (PMI) directly in 3D, bypassing time-consuming 2D processes, and eliminating potential problems.

SOLIDWORKS® MBD defines PMI directly in 3D, avoiding the expensive, time-consuming, and risky 2D drawing detour. 3D PMI helps speed up communication, cuts quoting time, and reduce errors.

With SOLIDWORKS® Model-Based Definition (MBD) you can

1. Define 3D Annotations
2. Organize 3D Annotations
3. Publish 3D data with Annotations and views
4. Minimize scrap and rework
5. Eliminate Time-to-market delays
6. Reduce service costs


  • Title
  • Paperless Drawings with SOLIDWORKS
  • Date
  • Wednesday August 12, 2020
  • Time
  • 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM
  • Duration
  • 1 Hour


  • Ms. Shilpa Swami Application Engineer | BEACON

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