Solar Radiation and SOLIDWORKS Flow Simulation

Sebin PK, Application Engineer Simulation Jul 15th, 2024

Advanced Solar Radiation in SOLIDWORKS Flow Simulation.

Solar radiation is the energy emitted by the Sun, which is sent in all directions through space as electromagnetic waves. SOLIDWORKS Flow Simulation has come with advanced thermal radiation module for addressing Solar Radiation.

User can access this option by selecting the SOLAR RADIATION in the WIZARD.

We can make use of advanced Engineering database to define the position of sun by giving the location and time, even you can define it by altitude and which way is north. We can add Azimuth and Zenith direction for solar radiation.

A lighthouse modelled using SOLIDWORKS and with help of SOLIDWORKS Flow Simulation- HVAC module runs a transient study for 6 hours. Select the location as New Delhi and choose the date and time shown above in the Wizard.

Defines the Zenith direction and azimuth angle in the wizard tab. By looking at the plot, how the
incident radiation is varying and the shadow of the light house with respect to the direction of sun in
the given time.

Below are some key features available in SOLIDWORKS Flow Simulation with HVAC module.

Radiation Models

  • Discrete Transfer
  • Discrete Ordinates

Discrete Transfer

It’s a standard radiation model. This model doesn’t consider the bands of electromagnetic spectrum
to be separate.

Discrete Ordinates

This model is unique to the HVAC module and considers the bands of electromagnetic spectrum


We can define radiation by means of radiation source or Radiation Surface. A radiation source adds thermal energy to the model where Radiation surface dissipates existing thermal energy.

Material Library

Extensive Engineering database available for defining radiative surfaces and Solar radiation. Depending upon the surface type, Reflection model (Diffusive, Specular and Gaussian) and emissivity, the radiative surfaces are modelled and capable of user defined surfaces as well.

By making use of Advanced Solar Radiation Option in SOLIDWORKS Flow Simulation – HVAC module you can virtually validate your designs. Thanks for reading the blog.

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AUTHOR: Sebin PK, Application Engineer Simulation

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